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Writer's pictureAnupam Sen Gupta

Engineering Marvel Inside Our Body

The human body is a wonder and by birth, is engineered with electrical paths. Medical science calls it the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. It is a large network of pathways for electrical current to travel through the body.

This, when tapped into, creates an electromagnetic field. Let's try to explore this.

Let's presume that your cloud account has all the data that exists in the entire known and unknown Creation. How do you access it? 

You need a machine or a device to access it. So first, we need a computer. 

Let's see this machine as an equivalent to our body. The computer also has its own internal devices to run the machine like a Hard Disk, Sound Card, Graphic Card, Motherboard, network of connections, OS, software and pathways.


The body, similarly, has networks, organs and programmes to function at a desirable speed with a hard disk of limited capacity, where you can download the data from the cloud. Cloud?

So, when you put the computer on, electric current flows through a circuit of positive pathways and negative pathways and makes the cycle of current continuous for the machine to function.

Else there will be no ‘light’ on your screen to function! 

Well, then you log into your internet connection. Then log into your cloud account. Then you identify the data and download it to save on your Hard Disk. Then you use the data as you like.

So how is this related to our body?

Where is this cloud for the body?

The negatively charged force resides dormant below our naval and just above our genital area. Pretty much at the end of our spine.

How is it there ??? I don't know. But that's how the human body has been engineered.

Right on top of your head or the Bramharandra, lies the magnetic field where the data is stored. It's approx 3-4 inches above your head.

How is it there ??? I don't know. But that's how the human body has been engineered.

The field above the head holds positive charges and the energy field just a tad bit above your genital area is the negative charge.

Through a complex process, this data or the potential energy from the cloud is downloaded and the dormant energy or the kinetic energy field is triggered to push upwards to mate with the stored knowledge.

When this data and the dormant energy meet, an electrical circuit is established lighting up all our paths, and converting the process into an electromagnetic field that emanates from the body.

But what happens within is a burst of energy, emergence of untapped and unexpected knowledge, dilatation and dilation of time and so on. Gradually, the mineral world begins to cease for the world of electromagnetic fields to take over.

Our body and our computer are a combination of minerals that decay to be replaced by another. The hard disk of the computer is the information stored in our DNA which is more ancestral and matter related. 

But the data in the cloud is the information that you have stored as a positively charged field over cycles of life. 

Now whether there are cycles of life or not can be referred to by trying to break codes of ancient scriptures and your realization beyond the 5 core elements in which we exist. 

This area of matter, where we live, is influenced by the electromagnetic fields of planet Saturn and hence called the Cube of Saturn or Cube of El. Hence, think out of the box/cube!

A word of caution. So when one tries to activate these fields inside the body, one has to realize that the capacity of the dormant energy is several zillion megatons, which is similar to the energy field of the entire known and unknown creation. And the volume of the ‘Potential’ Data is too large for a human hard disk. So, it’s NOT a child’s play. Or a new age fad as observed on Social Media.
Kabbalah says one mustn't even attempt before age 40 as the body & the mind is still not equipped to deal with it.

So, 1st you need a teacher as much as you need a guide for your thesis !

What happens ultimately when we achieve this point ? 

The key is very complex breathwork in sync with habit development and the outcome is outstanding.

The negatively charged force begins to climb upwards while the positively charged data from the cloud begins downloading

Extreme heat is generated at the subatomic level of quarks. Quarks are subatomic particles if the proton and the neuron are divided further but the electron is indivisible.

When heat is generated, the Up and Down Quarks begin a behavioral pattern that finally dissolves them into a hot gooey liquid form called the Quark Gluon Plasma.

So what we read in scriptures about the primordial waters from where creation began, its serious description of supreme experiments with matter / minerals at a cosmic cellular level. 

When the above happens, the plasma field of the body and the entire plasma based creation syncs to be one.  Nirvana?

That's the knowledge of the scientific process we humans are deprived of.  Why ? Genetic manipulation? Whatever. Truth stands that we are deprived of the existence of this knowledge. 

When a person can learn and practice effectively, an energy field in the shape of a pyramid is created which when moving clockwise at a certain speed, creates a Blue colour hue. This is the positively charged field. But it  can't function alone by itself ?

Negatively charged field that is in the shape of an inverted pyramid starts spinning anti-clockwise producing the colour hue red.

They overlap each other exactly how we draw a star. Like the Star of David ?

So, when the upper blue field moves clockwise at the speed of light and the lower inverted field moves anticlockwise at the speed of light, a mammoth energy is created leading to an explosion that creates a field that is similar to a black hole. This is when time dissolves to eradicate time itself and speed.

This field in Kabbalah is called the Merkabbah.

Interstingly, these electric pathways inside the body also have nodes that work as vortexes that dilute and dilate time. The print of the cosmic explosion is inside the body. The most important vortex is the heart. This explosion is in multiples of 639 Hz. 

Even Tesla’s 369 enigma is based on this.

This ancient science is written in codes in all scriptures. Not manuals of religion that I am talking about. These misunderstood codes have been converted into methods to dominate mankind by some people who at least knew that there is something more about our bodies than us. These manuals are called religion.

Kundalini, a science that has been protected in India since antiquity, is a process that triggers the dormant kinetic energy to push up to meet the potential energy. I can't share the process as I have an NDA, like all students, with a certain organization that has preserved the information in modern times; through a system of lineage over the past 2200 years.

It deals with cleaning the pathways, decarbonizing blood and opening vortexes as the negatively charged force rises up.

This is depicted in many ways.

In India, the kinetic energy is worshipped as Shakti or the female force or the negatively charged energy. The potential energy or the data in the cloud is worshipped as the male energy force or the positively charged force or Shiv. The colour code is Blue. 

The Tantra in India deals with the complex stages of the female energy or the negatively charged force as it rises. Though the term Dasha Mahavidya is loosely used, it deals with the last ten phases of the Shakti forces rising.

This structure of the electrical pathways in our body is in sync with a similar network of pathways on the outside and inside the earth and syncs with a similar structure of our solar system to a similar structure of our galaxy and is the same pattern repeated throughout the Cosmos. Our connection with this Cosmic grid is through the Us, Earth, Saturn, the Sun & the Moon.

This network is depicted in Kabbalah as the Flower of Life. And the Tree of Life is the Kaballistic depiction of creation not much as worn as tattoos. This is a long discussion for another day.

Luciferase is an enzyme whose remnants are found in human cells. This element has the potential of self illuminance. Much like the firefly. Do we hear Lucifer and misunderstood interpretations?

With the natural SOPs from antiquity, we create heat at a cellular level by ways of re-connecting the male and the female pathways, to create electricity that triggers the enzyme Luciferin producing LIGHT.

This Light or the Single Photon is probably a GOD whom we don't know or have majorly misunderstood ??

This depiction of LIGHT can be seen on Dollar bills and in secret Societies like the Illuminati, the latter who in my sense, are the evolved ones at higher degrees of the Freemasons. Much like a Rishi or a Seer. Trust me, the rest is humbug.

And this LIGHT happens when we activate the Merkaba!

Marvelous Engineering where we are just bots on the grid. Like in Kabbalah, which is based on the Brahmanic Sciences (state of mind please) of ancient India, we are all parts of One Photon which cloned itself and self-exploded. This is called Shattering.

The small parts of the Photon retain all the qualities of the Single Photon but can't produce Light. A glass can fill itself with water but if it breaks, pieces will retain all qualities of the glass but can't hold the water till fixed.

All the above-mentioned processes help us to repair the grid where we are just bots yet we hold all the qualities of the grid. Remember due to shattering, the cloned photon or the first cell got damaged. It requires repair.

We are just deprived of the knowledge to get back to the Single Photon by conditioning, 5 core elements, and possibly a Genetic Manipulation post the Great Flood.  References can be found in Babylonian antiquity and most ancient scriptures across the tropics and Nordic areas. 

The above knowledge in this cycle, post floods, has evolved by the banks of Sindhu - Saraswati, Tigris and Euphrates, Nile and the Ganges and has later spread, adopting local hues across the tropics. 

Though there are studies like ‘The Arctic Home of the Vedas’ by Bal Gangadhar Tilak how this knowledge could have been discovered in the Artics and moved down as ice caps began to form. 

So, the statement that ‘your body is your temple’ has nothing to do with religion but refers to an engineering marvel. Except we don’t know who engineered it !

Anupam Sen Gupta, a humble student of Life

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